Segment 1: Recent local cases of the highly-contagious virus have some parents on edge.
With at least eight recently-reported cases of measles in Johnson County, Kansas, many parents want to do everything they can to ensure their little ones aren't at risk. Today, we got advice for limiting a child's exposure to the virus, even if they're not yet old enough to be vaccinated against it.
- Dr. Robyn Livingston, director of Infection Control and Prevention Program, Children's Mercy Hospital
- Dr. Natasha Burgert, pediatrician, Pediatric Associates on the Plaza
Segment 2, beginning at 20:30: Getting your family ready for safe and healthy warm-weather activities.
It's officially spring, and warmer weather is just around the corner. As such, our pediatric pros shared tips for protecting kid campers, ball players, and ATV riders from harm, and preventing outdoor mishaps whenever possible.
- David Seastrom, education and outreach coordinator for Trauma Services, Children's Mercy Hospital
- Dr. Natasha Burgert, pediatrician, Pediatric Associates on the Plaza