Hey Royals fans, you know all those T-shirts, baseball cards, banners and bobbleheads you've collected over the years?
We want to see them.
Tell KCUR: Show us your most loved Royals stuff.

Share photos of your most prized Royals gear and memorabilia on Twitter with the #TellKCUR hashtag or go to our Facebook page and leave your photo in a comment.
Don't forget to tell us why you love it so much!!
You also can leave us a message at 816-235-2881 and tell us about your Royals stuff pick or send an email with your photo to tellkcur@kcur.org.
We’ll talk about your fun Royals stuff Thursday online and on the air during Central Standard, which starts at 10 a.m.
Tell KCUR is part of an initiative to engage the community and shine a light on your experiences and opinions. We’ll ask a new question every week and then share your feedback on the air and online. Check out our arsenal of questions and your answers.
Alyson Raletz is KCUR's social media editor. She can be reached at alyson@kcur.org or follow her on Twitter @alysonraletz.