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Severe Weather Warnings; Social Scientists Are Studying Ways To Make Us More Responsive


Kansas City, Missouri – John Davies is an experienced storm chaser. He analyzes data for weather outlets, including the National Weather Service. He and his wife were struck when driving toward the Joplin tornado how many people were out on the streets, going about their daily business.

Davies knew from his radar and computer readings the tornado was going to be a whopper, and he quickly changed his route to circumvent the storm. But social scientists like Eve Gruntfest say there needs to be a lot more research about what motivates many people to go outside and gawk at the skies, when they should be taking cover underground.

I partner with communities to uncover the ignored or misrepresented stories by listening and letting communities help identify and shape a narrative. My work brings new voices, sounds, and an authentic sense of place to our coverage of the Kansas City region. My goal is to tell stories on the radio, online, on social media and through face to face conversations that enhance civic dialogue and provide solutions.
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