Perhaps you’ve had dreams of a simple lifestyle, living in harmony with nature, off-the-grid. But, putting theory into practice is usually where many people lose interest. But musician Miles Bonny, his wife Jesse and their two young daughters did exactly that about one year ago. They sold much of what they owned packed the rest into a small trailer and made for the high desert of northern New Mexico to build their own off–the-grid home. With no wired electricity, no plumbing, no wireless internet they crafted their own adobe home, with their own hands learning as they went.
Finalized Draft Design of their home:
But the challenges of off-the-grid living didn't limit Miles' artistic creativity, he actually continued to record using energy stored through his solar system.
If you've been thinking about living off the grid, or you're just looking to make investments into your existing home for a more sustainable lifestyle check out these resources: