When it comes to the telling of the American story, historian David McCullough has few peers. In a book-writing career spanning 46 years, McCullough has chronicled the lives of Harry Truman, Theodore Roosevelt and John Adams. He wrote about the devastation of the Jonestown Flood and the construction of the Brooklyn Bridge and the Panama Canal.
In this edition of Up to Date, Steve Kraske sits down with the chronicler of American history to find out what he would have asked Truman, discover where he does his writing, and learn the meaning of the motto over his door, "Look at your fish."
- David McCullough is a two-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award and a recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom. His next book, due out in May of 2015, will be about the Wright brothers.
Hear More: David McCullough talked with Steve Kraske in June of 2005. Listen to the conversation with the author of 1776.